Children’s Book Reviews at Mrs. Pilcher’s Bookshelf
Where is Mrs. Pilcher this week? This week’s book is about a boy who meets a lion and soon makes a new friend. Can you guess the name of the book? The author is James Daugherty and it was published by Puffin Books. This book is for children ages 3-7 years old. Last week’s book “The Giraffe That Walked To Paris” is the true story of the first giraffe ever to live in Europe. The giraffe belonged to the Pasha of Egypt, who decided to give her as a gift to the king of France. The giraffe journeyed first by boat to Marseilles, then on foot through the towns and villages of France, all the way to Paris. Her arrival in the capital was celebrated with a splendid royal parade, and everywhere she went she caused a sensation. The author is Nancy Milton and the illustrator is Roger Roth. This book is for children ages 3-7 years old.